Half marathon recovery binge

Sometimes, I can be a bit of a space cadet. About eight months ago, I signed up for the Navy Air Force Half Marathon on 9/20 and then promptly forgot about it since fall seemed like a whole other world away. A few months later, I decided fall would be a great time for a half marathon and signed up for the Parks Half Marathon for 9/13. After telling my mother about this, she seemed a little confused and asked me, “So are you not doing the other half marathon a week later?” Well shit. Looks like I just will just be running two half marathons in the span of a week.

Unfortunately, my running prep went a little awry when I fell during a long run in August and skinned a large part of my left knee. I could not even sleep for the first week after my tumble because my entire leg hurt, and running was definitely a little tough for the next couple of weeks. So by the time the first half marathon rolled around mid-September, I knew it was going to be a painful 13.1 miles. I definitely did not make things easier for myself by heading out the Friday before the race for a birthday party of the boy I’ve been crushing on for the past two months. After telling myself I would be “taking it easy” that night, I found myself making out on the dance floor of Local 16 like some 23 year old, followed by several drinks at Bar Pilar, and then before I knew it, it was 2:30am and I was still not in bed yet. The next morning (the day before the race), I woke up with a pounding headache that lasted the entire day. Since the race started in Rockville, I headed home to my parents’ house in Gaithersburg that afternoon and had some Vietnamese food for dinner before passing out at 8:45pm, hoping that nine hours of sleep would leave me hangover-free and well-rested before the long run. Instead, I woke up at 10:30pm and was completely unable to fall back asleep until 1:30am. Half marathon prep complete fail.

The next morning, I woke up exhausted, and very apprehensive about how the next couple of hours would go. My wonderful father dropped me off by the start, and I started in the third wave. The run ended being very painful after 9 miles due to my completely inadequate training, and my legs felt like heavy lead by the end but I was happy to have finished around 8:30min/mile pace. My adorable mother met up with me at the finisher’s tent, and we grabbed some watermelon and snacks before walking over to the Mama Lucia’s breakfast tent where they were providing eggs, sausages and pizzas to everyone. I was too exhausted to enjoy the food, and headed back to my parents’ house for a long, hot shower and laid down for a half hour. I started to feel a little bit more of a human being after closing my eyes for a few minutes, and so my father suggested we grab pho for lunch before I made my way back to DC. I knew at some point I would have to eat, and a nice light bowl of noodles sounded like the perfect way to tide me over until the real hunger hit.

Our family’s go-to spot in the suburbs is Pho 81 in Germantown, a small little restaurant located in a strip mall next to Honey Pig. As usual, there were plenty of open tables, we immediately put in our orders (this is after my mom asked if I wanted to split a small bowl and I asked if she was a crazy lady). I got my own small bowl with chin (well done beef) and bo vien (vietnamese meatballs), topped with blanched bean sprouts and thai basil. As usual, the fragrant broth and delicate noodles hit the spot, and I dipped each piece of meat into a generous scoop of sriracha and hoisin sauce to make each bite a perfect mix of salty, sweet and spicy. I had no problem finishing off the bowl, and we were out of the restaurant in less than thirty minutes. Talk about efficient!

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After packing my stuff back up, I swung by SM’s parents’ house to pick her up, which made me feel like a 17 year old again, picking up my high school friend for a day in the suburbs. Instead of hanging around MoCo, we went back to DC for an afternoon of day drinking. I thought that a bowl of pho would be the perfect recovery meal, but I realized after parking the car that I was ravenously hungry again. I needed food stat, and I need carbs to be a heavy player in this meal.

Even though we had just brunched at Etto a few weeks, that light, sweet crust and their high quality toppings were exactly what I was craving. Luckily SM and N were totally down for pizza, and we got seated on the beautiful and surprisingly empty outside patio immediately. Although ordering their mind-blowingly good breakfast pizza again was definitely a tempting option, I decided wanted to try something different today. Their cotechino pizza with fontina and egg seemed like the perfect way to pad my stomach before some afternoon brews. I also added anchovies to the pizza.

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The pizza arrived shortly, and our attentive waitress sliced up our pies for us. The egg was perfectly runny, so I popped it open and spread the creamy yolk all over the surface. As I bit into my first slice, I could feel my body start to (slowly) forget about the pain inflicted on it earlier than morning. The thin crust was, as always, remarkably soft and chewy. The thick slices of pork sausage were incredibly satisfying while the white cheese kept the pizza relatively light. I polished off the entire pizza with no problem, while SM and N both enjoyed their breakfast pizzas. It was another incredibly satisfying meal at Etto, and I felt like I was slowly coming back to life.

Next, we headed a few blocks down to the Standard beer garden, which I will continue to refer to as “Standard” despite their name change to “Garden District.” It was a beautiful day, and we managed to snag a picnic table outside. I ordered a hefe-weissbier, which was light, wheaty, and perfect fuel for basking in the sunlight.

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I got a text Tinder Will, who after watching the Redskins lose, wanted to meet up. I told him that we had no immediate plans to move from our sweet spot in the sun, and he came from Virginia to join us (major points for crossing the river). It’s always interesting to see how a new guy vibes with your friends, and in this case, it went well! We spent the next couple of hours telling ridiculous stories about Dewey and sitting in the warm sunlight. My legs appreciated the rest, and my body appreciated the afternoon of delicious eats and great company.

Sunday brunch at Etto

On beautiful Sunday morning, I woke up craving carbs. At times like, I cannot believe I actually did paleo twice for a month each time. Anyway, while still laying in bed, I sent a text out to my version of Taylor Swift’s Bad Blood #squad: A (fake roomie), N (from across the street), AC (hilarious badass with a great collection of crop tops). Luckily, they were all down to stuff their faces with me,  and after AC invited her roommate, we decided on Etto. Alright, that’s not totally true. I decided I needed Etto’s pizza, and they were all nice enough to appease me. After a long run, I met up with these beautiful friends on the outside patio of Etto since the sun was out and we wanted to soak in the weather for a bit.

One of the (many) things that I love about Etto is the minimal vibe, for both the decor and the menu. And everything I have ordered off of their straightforward menu has been amazing (although I am partial to the cauliflower and anchovy pizza). For brunch, Etto serves a lot of their smaller plates and pizzas from the dinner menu, in addition to some breakfast options like frittatas and a breakfast pizza. We decided to split the burrata to start, which was brought out quickly and along with their house bread. The burrata here is simple: just incredibly fresh cheese served on a plate with some olive oil. No toppings to distract you from the slight sweet, rich, cream.

For my entree, I definitely wanted to get one of the Neapolitan-style pizzas (made with house-milled flour). I decided to forgo the cauliflower and anchovy pizza this day for their breakfast pizza. When it arrived, I had regrets about going a different path:

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This pizza had all the right things: potatoes (extra carbs!), bacon (protein! sodium!), eggs (extra protein!), cheese (dairy!). The egg was cooked perfectly, and runny enough for me to spread the creamy yolk all over the surface. The softy, chewy crust somehow manages to hold together under the wondrous combination of toppings, and is light enough so that you don’t feel like you are just filling your belly up with breading. This was one of the best pizzas I have had. (Disclaimer: I feel like I make a similar statement every time I eat at Etto). I managed to polish off all but 2 slices, which just meant I would have a great breakfast option the next morning. Word to the wise: Etto pizza tastes fantastic when it’s cold.

After such a fantastic meal, we wanted to sit out on the patio and let our stomachs digest a little so we decided to order a round of drinks. I ordered a bloody mary (only $6!), which turned out to be one of the better bloody marys that I have had. The tomato juice was very thick and slightly salty, just the way I prefer it, and the pickled vegetables were a great garnish. It was the perfect end to a good brunch: my favorite babes soaking in the sun with me, pizza in my tummy, and a fresh cocktail in my hand.

Carb loading at Etto


Way back when it was still warm outside (remember those days, guys?), I decided it would be a great idea to sign up for the Rock n Roll Half Marathon because it would help motivate me to run outside this winter. During the winter, I have a hard time convincing myself to run outside because 1) I hate the cold with a deep passion, 2) The sun disappears before I get home from work and 3) The gym is warm, and the personal TV’s on the treadmills and ellipticals allow me to catch up on bad reality television. Unfortunately, my plan for half marathon training this winter did not go quite the way I had envisioned last summer when the sun was setting at 8pm, and running in a tank top was a given. Suddenly, it was mid-February and I realized I had done exactly 1 long run in preparation. Thankfully, I knew I had a trip to SoCal coming up, and I tried to plan some decent training runs. During that week and a half, I somehow managed to squeeze in four long runs without my legs completely falling apart and I felt fairly confident I could at least finish the half without crying. Now, my favorite part of long races is the carb loading that takes place beforehand, and the recovery meal that takes place afterwards. Basically, I like to sandwich the race between two indulgent meals.

The Friday before the Rock n Roll half, SM (who was also preparing for the half), N and SBS and I decided to head to Etto for some pizza. We got there around 6:15pm and got a seat on the heated patio. We decided to start with the cauliflower with pine nuts and saffron salad, and a egg quiche with sausage (that day’s chalkboard special). The cauliflower salad was a little on the oily side, but perfect for dipping their soft, crusty bread in. The egg quiche had a wonderfully sweet crust, and we all agreed we could have eaten a pizza-sized serving of this.

Then it was on to the main attraction: Etto’s amazing Neapolitan style pizza. As usual, I debated trying a new pizza but at the last second decided to go with my all-time favorite, the roasted cauliflower with capers, pine nuts, breadcrumbs and anchovies. I could write a love letter to the Etto pizzas. The pizzas are a little soft in the center, and the crust is quite thin with a lighter texture than the other Neapolitan spots like Ghibellina or 2 Amy’s. I would describe the pies here as “floppy,” But I do not mean that in a flabby, sad way. I mean “floppy” in that the pies are light and almost airy. The toppings on this cauliflower pizza sync together in perfect harmony. The bread crumbs and pine nuts add a crunch to each bite, the chopped up anchovies add a subtle salty funk. I absolutely love anchovies, and the anchovies at Etto are

I could have housed the entire pie, but the waitress warned us at the beginning of the meal that “these pizzas are big, so you guys are definitely going to have leftovers!” Crap, does this mean people never eat a whole pie? I thought about this as I munched away and decided once there were two slices remaining that maybe I should save something for leftovers since apparently every “definitely” leaves food on their place. The waitress actually took a while to box up our remainders and bring us the check so I just stared longingly at those two beautiful charred pieces while we waited. I actually had these two slices the next morning as a pre-race breakfast and they tasted just as delicious cold. Etto really was the ideal place to load up on carbohydrates. I love the low-key, warm atmosphere of this small restaurant, and the outside patio has nearly doubled the number of seats so the wait time has reduced significantly on nicer days. And I just cannot get enough of the pizza here. I thought about the cauliflower pizza during my rainy half marathon the next morning, and debated returning to Etto right afterwards for yet another pizza (SB and N decided on Satellite Room instead). I better sign up for another half marathon soon so I have an excuse to inhale some more of their chewy, charred, sweet, PERFECT crust.

Craving for Etto

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Balancing eating and drinking is always difficult for me during this time of year. The holidays are over, and the dreary January weather can cause an occasional bout of winter blues. And of course, it is hard to motivate myself to exercise after I leave work and realize it is pitch black and below freezing outside. This instead makes me want to shovel delicious, warm, comforting food nonstop down my throat and into my soft belly. So this means I spend a great deal of my day day dreaming about what I would like to be eating. Today, I am fantasizing about the pizza at Etto.

Located on 14th street, Etto opened in 2013 by the owners of 2Amys and Standard (aka Garden District, but seriously who really calls it that?). The pizza dough is made in-house, and cooked in the red oak-fired oven. I absolutely love the roasted cauliflower pizza, which is topped with roasted cauliflower (duh), capers, and anchovies. I am a huge anchovies fan. I love the saltiness, the fishiness, the tanginess of anchovies and (disclaimer:) I will probably try to bully you into eating anchovies if we are at a pizza spot together. This pizza dough is thin enough to allow for the toppings to shine, but not so thin that it gets soggy. The slightly burnt crust and roasted cauliflower give the pie a smokey flavor, and the anchovies and capers give the pizza a bite that I cannot get enough of. I’m getting lightheaded just thinking about this pizza sliding down my throat. This is lust at its purest form.